A dental and medical history where the dentist or dental hygienist asks you questions about your tooth care and reviews any dental records a dental examination and a. Invisalign is the teeth-straightening treatment choice of celebrities. Do You Have An Impacted Wisdom Tooth An Impacted Wisdom Tooth Can Be Painful And Necessary To Be Impacted Wisdom Teeth Wisdom Teeth Tooth Extraction Healing Talk to us about dental implants. . There are two types of extractions you might have. The goal is to prevent tooth decay gum disease and other disorders that put the health of your teeth and mouth at risk. If this is the case arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure and stay with you until the effects wear off. Restore your bite smile and confidence. Those with low pain tolerance high anxiety or a previous bad experience may need to choose this option. Our team deliver dentistry to suit all ages. Wisd...